Free Ableton Live Themes Set #8

I’ve been asked quite a few times if I could recreate skins from old Live versions. I’ve finally downloaded Live 1 to 4 and retrieved their skins. This first set of themes are recreations of Live 1 skins. Namely Aubergine,

Free SB ReGenerators (No. 63)

SB ReGenerators contains three MIDI effects racks for generating music. They work in Ableton Live 9.7 Lite and up.

Sonic Bloom Array Mbira: The Grand of Thumb Pianos Live Pack

I’m very pleased to announce the release of my first premium Live Pack (and free version – download below) for Ableton Live 9.7 Intro and up. For this, I’ve sampled my favourite acoustic instrument, the array mbira. I discovered the

Free Ableton Live Themes Set #7

It’s Christmas time and I’m back with a new set of free Ableton Live Themes for you. It includes a new theme called Rhino (second from left), a recreation of the native skin Clouds as well as of three of

Abyss: Free Audio Effect of Doom by Max for Cats

Abyss is a Max for Live device, which lets you forward any input signal into the abyss. The result is an ominous, gory and hellish version of your original input signal. Use with extrem caution and only if you have

Free Ableton Live Themes Set #6

I’ve got a new set of Ableton Live Themes for you. Two of them are recreations of Ableton Live skins – Calcium and Clay. Again requested by users who liked them and wanted them to work in Live 10 as

Free SB Creaks & Squeaks Live Pack (No. 61)

It’s been quite a while since the last free Live Pack from me. This one draws from my trusty sound library again. The free SB Creaks & Squeaks Live Pack contains one Drum Rack and one Instrument Rack made from

Free Ableton Live Themes Set #5

I’ve gotten several requests to recreate themes for particular skins over the last months. And since I like a bit of a challenge I figured out how to do this most effectively. That doesn’t mean that recreating skins, or creating

Free SB Salty Psaltery Live Pack (No. 60)

A while ago I did a little music project with someone else and she brought a psaltery, a harp-like instrument, over to my studio. It wasn’t fully tuned, so we agreed to use it more for percussion and interesting haunting

Free Ableton Live Themes Set #4

It’s the holiday season, a time for presents and hopefully some downtime, which might translate into some more time for music. So I’ve got a little present for you as well. A new set of free themes for Live 10,

Free Ableton Live Themes Set #3

Sometimes a change of colour can create a change of mindset. This is one of the reasons I started creating my own Ableton Live skins, now themes. I’m back with five fresh themes for Ableton Live 10 for you. They’re


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