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Custom Shortcuts in Ableton Live for Collect All and Save and more
In this video tutorial, I’m sharing how you can create your own shortcuts for any menu items in Ableton Live on macOS. For Windows, I share some additional tips how you can achieve the same functionality for free.

25 Essential Workflow Tips for Ableton Live
In this video tutorial, I’ll give you 25 tips on how to use various Live features to create a better workflow. Using the features in Ableton Live can save you hours of time and allow you to focus on your music.

Free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 4 (Light Collection)
The free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 4 contains 12 themes for Ableton Live 12. 7 brand new and 5 remixed. They’re all light themes, either tinted greys or beiges with splashes of colour.

8 Browser Changes in Live 12.1 You Can’t Miss!
Ableton Live 12 saw a complete overhaul of the browser. In Live 12.1, more changes and improvements were added. In this tutorial video, we’ll take a look at all of them.
Ableton Live Tutorials

Custom Shortcuts in Ableton Live for Collect All and Save and more
In this video tutorial, I’m sharing how you can create your own shortcuts for any menu items in Ableton Live on macOS. For Windows, I share some additional tips how you can achieve the same functionality for free.

25 Essential Workflow Tips for Ableton Live
In this video tutorial, I’ll give you 25 tips on how to use various Live features to create a better workflow. Using the features in Ableton Live can save you hours of time and allow you to focus on your music.

8 Browser Changes in Live 12.1 You Can’t Miss!
Ableton Live 12 saw a complete overhaul of the browser. In Live 12.1, more changes and improvements were added. In this tutorial video, we’ll take a look at all of them.

New MIDI Tools in Ableton Live 12.1
Ableton’s Live 12.1 update introduces three new transformation MIDI tools: Chop, Glissando, and LFO. In this tutorial we’ll look at them as well as the new Filter and Select feature for MIDI clips.

Free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 4 (Light Collection)
The free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 4 contains 12 themes for Ableton Live 12. 7 brand new and 5 remixed. They’re all light themes, either tinted greys or beiges with splashes of colour.
Free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 3 (Dark Collection)
The free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 3 contains 12 themes for Ableton Live 12. Two brand new ones as well as ten remixed ones. They’re all dark grey with pops of colour, perfect for the darker seasons.
All About Tuning Systems (+ 16 Free Tunings)
Learn how to work with different tuning systems in Ableton Live in this video tutorial. How to load, adjust or remove them. What changes when loading a tuning, where to find more and how to create your own.
Free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 2 (Retro)
The Free Ableton Live 12 Theme Set No. 1 contains 12 themes, six of which are brand new, the others are previously released themes that I have remixed. They’re all in a retro style with tinted backgrounds. They range from very light to very dark, so hopefully you’ll find something to your taste.
Max for Live
Generate & Transform Ideas with the FREE MIDI Tools by Philip Meyer
With the release of Live 12.1, Ableton has come out with two new and free Max for Live packs. One is called Sequencers, which contains
List All Plug-Ins & Max for Live Devices Used in Live Set – With a Little Help from Max for Live
With the free Max for Live audio effect Device Lister you can easily create a text file that lists all the plug-ins, Max for Live devices and/or Live devices used in your Live Set.
Macro Map Anything in the Live Set with Ableton’s Shaper
We’re going to use Ableton’s Shaper (or LFO) to give us the possibility to macro map any parameter in the whole Live Set within a rack, or actually even up to 8 parameters all to one macro.
More Expressive Push: Free Push 2 Pedal Expression by Max for Cats
Push 2 Pedal Expression was created by Ableton developer Ralf Suckow. It allows you to calibrate one or two passive analog expression pedals plugged into Push 2, and use various MIDI control changes to control parameters in your Live Set.
Music Production Tips
Continuous Smooth Rising Tone with Any Ableton Instrument (Risers or Downlifters)
In this video tutorial, we’ll look at a quick and easy way to create continuously rising tones, also known as risers. These can be achieved with any instrument in Ableton Live, giving you a wide range of sonic possibilities. We’ll also take a look at an osillator shape in Meld, which is specially designed for creating uplifters, downlifters and drones.
6 Creative Ways to Use Comping in Ableton Live
Comping is the process of combining multiple takes of recording and selecting the best parts from each. This video tutorial will cover six unique and creative methods to apply comping. Of course, there are numerous other ways you can use it.
Sound Design with Time-Stretching in Impulse
Introduced in Ableton Live 4 as a companion device to Simpler for drums and percussion, Impulse has time-stretching capabilities that can be harnessed for
Alternating Instruments Playing Melody/Chords in Ableton Live (Hocket / Klangfarbenmelodie)
This time we’re going to look at how to achieve what is commonly known as hocketing. This is a technique where different sounds take turns
Drift Live Pack – Freebie & Premium Versions Out Now
Over the last month or so I’ve carefully designed lots of presets for the new Drift synth included in Live 11.3. The result is a
Ableton Push 3 Review – What It Did & Didn’t Get
Ableton users have been waiting and speculating about it forever, and it’s been a long time since the last version. Now it’s finally here. Push
SynthieCat by Max for Cats Out Now & New Website Live
SynthieCat by Max for Cats was inspired by the EMS Synthi A model, an amazing synth released in 1971 with three oscillators and a unique patch system. The Max for Live Pack is available for Live 11 Suite.
Your Fave Posts in 2022 & A Sneak Peek into 2023
2022 is almost over. People here are already setting off some firework crackers. So let’s first have a look at what your favourite posts here
Apps, Controllers & Plugins
Control Surface Studio by Remotify: Make Your Own Control Surfaces for Ableton Live 9-11
So far you could use the freemium web app by Remotify to create MIDI remote scripts aka Control Surfaces for Ableton Live 9 and 10.
Reveal: Ableton Live Touchscreen Control for Windows
I often get complains when I post about anything that is only for Mac users. Reveal, a touch app designed to efficiently control Ableton Live,
Loop4Live: MIDI Foot Controller for Live Looping in Ableton Live
Loop4Live is a MIDI foot controller dedicated to Ableton Live developed by computer engineer and guitarist Aurélien Benoit, particularly created for any instrumentalist looking to
Mixed in Key – Key Detection Software Now as a Plugin
Particularly if you’re DJing with Ableton Live or other software you might know or even use Mixed in Key already. The key detection software is