Drift Live Pack – Freebie & Premium Versions Out Now

Over the last month or so I’ve carefully designed lots of presets for the new Drift synth included in Live 11.3. The result is a self-installing Live Pack with 64 presets total. 42 of them Drift presets, 22 Instrument Racks.

Ableton Push 3 Review – What It Did & Didn’t Get

Ableton users have been waiting and speculating about it forever, and it’s been a long time since the last version. Now it’s finally here. Push 3. As some people had hoped and guessed, it comes as a standalone version as

SynthieCat by Max for Cats

SynthieCat by Max for Cats Out Now & New Website Live

SynthieCat by Max for Cats was inspired by the EMS Synthi A model, an amazing synth released in 1971 with three oscillators and a unique patch system. The Max for Live Pack is available for Live 11 Suite.

Happy 2023!

Your Fave Posts in 2022 & A Sneak Peek into 2023

2022 is almost over. People here are already setting off some firework crackers. So let’s first have a look at what your favourite posts here on Sonic Bloom were this year going by categories. Your Favourites on Sonic Bloom in

New Free Learning Resources from Ableton

In the last few years Ableton have introduced two fantastic interactive learning resources, Learning Music and Learning Synths, that I already have written about. Now they’ve revamped their offerings for Ableton in the Classroom. Technically, these are aimed as teaching

Ableton Live 11 Preview – Announced For Early 2021

Today Ableton have announced Live 11, to be released in early 2021. As a Certified Trainer I’ve had the opportunity to check out the beta and I will be making tutorials over the coming weeks. So let’s have a look


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