M4L Note Echoes & Semi-Random Sequencer

Free MIDI Note Echoes & Semi-Random Sequencer

After a longer hiatus I’m reviving the video series With a Little Help from Max for Live and will hopefully be able to provide you with a monthly video from now on once again. This time we’re going to have

Studio Tools by Max for Cats

Free Studio Tools by Max for Cats

Christian Kleine aka Max for Cats is back with a free Max for Live Pack called Studio Tools. Included are three devices: a phase scope, an oscilloscope and a signal generator. The first two are visualiser tools for mixing, the

The Top 5 Video Tutorials on Sonic Bloom in 2021

The year 2021 is coming to a close (thank goodness). I thought we could take the time to look back at the video tutorials most watched on Sonic Bloom. Have a look if you’d missed them before and I hope

Push Hacker 2

Push Hacker 2: Create Your Perfect Performance Layout

Last year in February, I’d reviewed Push Hacker version 1. A Max for Live device that allows you to – you would have never guessed it – hack the Ableton Push. This means you can create mappings that suit you


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