It’s Christmas time and I’m back with a new set of free Ableton Live Themes for you. It includes a new theme called Rhino (second from left), a recreation of the native skin Clouds as well as of three of my own skins named Alluvial, Juniper and Marine. If I found any issues or was notified of them, I fixed them. Let me know if something doesn’t look right. Otherwise enjoy! Happy holidays!

I would be happy to receive a small donation if you are able to do so as a token of appreciation. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
Get more free themes. You can still download the Live 9 skins. If you don’t know how to install them, have a look at this tutorial, and if you’d like to create your own themes, I’ve got a tutorial for that as well.