Since I was asked quite often if the samples of the Mellotron Live Packs were also available on their own, I’m releasing them today for everyone to use. In case, you don’t know what a Mellotron is, it’s an electro-mechanical, polyphonic tape replay keyboard from 1963 that the Beatles made popular by using it in their song “Strawberry Fields Forever”.
The SB Mellotron Samples contain woodwinds, various strings and string section, brass, flute and choir from various Mellotron versions, each note individually sampled to recreate the unique sound of the Mellotron. 10 different instruments total, all included as wav files in separate folders. Sampled by Taijiguy.

I would be grateful for a small donation if you are able to give it as a way of saying thanks. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
You can also download the SB Mellotron Samples #2 pack for free as well as all currently released Mellotron Live Packs (18 total). Also check out the other free Sonic Bloom Live Packs.
37 responses
Thank you! Did you sample these yourself or are these samples the known free Taijiguy/Leisureland samples?
I got them ages ago from a friend. I didn’t even know about the samples from Leisureland. There are a few sounds that we don’t have in common. Gotta check them out.
Hello! I’ve got Ableton Live 7 and I run the software with a Macmini. Do you think the Mellotron Samples would work? If they won´t, what alternative would you recommend? Thanks a lot and good luck with your Blog!
Yes, they’re simple wav-files that can be used in any DAW. Simply drag and drop them into Live 7. Either into an audio track or into a Simpler or Sampler.
Thanks for sharing this with us! The sounds are simply amazing and so much fun to play with! I really had a great time playing around and I am definitely using some of these in future productions!
Thank you for this Madeleine!
thank you girl, you saved my life!
I just can’t get these to play – either the separate packs or the samples. I managed to load the string pack but no response to a MIDI keyboard. Deeply frustrating.
Sounds like it’s rather an issue with the MIDI setup. These tutorials might help:
Setting up a MIDI controller
Troubleshooting MIDI issues
Hi Madeleine, can this work with my Logic on a Macbook?
Yes, they’re simply wav files. You can use them in audio tracks or throw them in the EXS24.
Hey Madeleine,
I was wondering if there is a way to get the same result in Live as with Logic?
I can only drag one wav file at the time to simpler or to sampler, and it will transpose it for each key instead of using all your wav files, resulting in a much worse quality.
No need. I’ve already made presets for Live:
Is it possible that the link to gumroad aint working anymore?
No, it still works. Sometimes Gumroad can take longer to load though.
These are the Taijiguy/Leisureland samples. Pretty bold to ask for a donation for somebody else’s work.
It is with his permission.
I can’t wait to try these in my new downtempo track which focuses on 1960s NASA / moon vibes!
The image says “Mellontron” – is that an error?
Thank you!
Argh, thanks for pointing out the typo, it’s on the to do list. Nothing to do with melons.😂
This is great. I just picked up the Deluge (trying to go completely dawless) and the machine has an automatic sample mapping function just by clicking on the folder. So this will work perefectly 🙂 thanks. Now I can make some trippy melotronic ambionic soundscapoids.
what folder, and which note is the mellotron flute from omnisphere?
I don’t understand the question. There’s nothing from Omnisphere in this sample pack. It’s all original sounds from the instrument called mellotron.
thanks! I’m gonna try them with my new Arturia Mellotron vst , since I’m not satisfied of the their sounds. it’s apity since the GUI is very well done. seems to play the real instruments 🙂
HI! How do i install these?
They’re samples in the form of wav-files. You can either drag them into the DAW of your choice or them to its sampler.
This is so cool! I’m hoping to load these onto a keyboard and play it without running it through a DAW. How much sample memory on the synth would I need to use this sample pack? Thank you
Around 500 MB if you want to load the samples for all the included instruments at once.
These are fantastic and exactly what I was looking for… started on a Zep tribute so these will release my innner JPJ lol. I’m importing them into MainStage 3 but a little unsure what to do with the samples. Do they F3, F4 etc need to be mapped to the individual notes? Sorry if I am being thick (I’m a bass player see). Thanks again thuogh, even if you don’t reply, these are fanstastic!
Yes, they likely need to be. I’ve never used Main Stage, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you how it works there.
Wonderful thankyou love the feel of these sounds 🙂
Happy to hear it!
Just wondering if the sounds include those wonderful strings from “Nights in white Satin”??
I think so, but I’m not 100% sure. Pinder had several different Mellotron models over the years.
Hi. There is a utube video of a guy playing Nights in white satin on a Mk2 mellotron. He is using the exact same sounds as in the original song.
If you type in Mellotron Mk2 Nights in white satin. Utube. It will take you straight to this Video. The sound he is playing with his right hand is the one I’m talking about. Breathtaking!!!!!
Found out the name of the String Sample used in the song. The Sample was called “3 Violins” And it was a standard sound on the Mellotron MK 2. Can’t find it anywhere to Download though. Really surprised it does not receive more attention. IMHO it is one of the best sounds in the Mellotron.
That’s the MKII Violins you find in this set of samples.