16 Free Max for Live Packs from Ableton

When you download and install Live 9 Suite, only the Core Library is included. What a lot of people don’t know is that you can download and install further individual Live Packs from Ableton for free. By now, there are

Quick Slicing Fun with Free Max for Live Effect SlicR

While the Simpler now offers pad slicing, you still can’t record into it, but need to drop samples in. This is where SlicR by Benjamin Van Esser comes in. It’s a simple slicing device, great for some quick and dirty

Great Free Max for Live Granular Delay

This free granular delay is very versatile. It’s great for simple or very complex delay effects as well as creating textures. This is because you can have up to 15 voices, each voice with individual filtering, re-pitching, envelope and panning.

5 Great New & Free Max for Live Helper Tools

These five free Max for Live devices are a colourful bunch of helper tools for all kinds of applications in Ableton Live. I’m sure you’ll find at least one of them will enhance the way you work.

BOOM 2.0 – Free and Versatile Max for Live Distortion Effect

BOOM, like LOOPO made by rbrt23, is a distortion audio effect with an attached feedback-circuitry that can do anything from not too bad sounding drive to total destruction. You can get rather interesting sounds and sound textures out of this


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