2 Free Max for Live Effects to Add More Features to Ableton Push

A while ago I wrote about 5 Max for Live devices to further enhance the features of Ableton Push. Now there are two new ones that I find very useful: Push Color Picker and Push Midi Clip Transposer.

Push Color Picker

This audio effect allows you to set the colours of clips and scenes from Push. Once loaded somewhere in your Live Set, the following becomes possible in Push’s Session Mode:

  • Select + Up Arrow: Choose a colour for all clips in the selected track.
  • Select + Down Arrow: Choose a colour for all clips in the selected scene.
  • Select + Left Arrow: Choose a colour for the currently selected clip.
  • Select + Right Arrow: Choose a colour for the currently selected scene.

Download the Push Color Picker


Push Midi Clip Transposer

This MIDI effect, once added to the track allows you to transpose the clips when you’re in Push’s Note Mode:

  • Select + Up Arrow = + Octave
  • Select + Down Arrow = – Octave
  • Select + Right Arrow = + Semitone
  • Select + Left Arrow = – Semitone

Download the Push Midi Clip Transposer

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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