Shaper – Max for Live device for audio destruction

K-Devices have released their newest Max for Live device. It’s called Shaper, it’s great for audio destruction, it’s for Live 9 only and it’s free until the end of March.

Shaper uses two different algorithms for wave-shaping and audio signals can be processed with an intuitive glitch-gate. You can also add some resonance or a comb filter to shape the sound even more.

For realtime visual feedback two monitor are included, displaying the audio signals before and after audio processing. Shaper is best used for percussive sounds and any audio with a great dynamic range.

Developed with Max 6 and Live 9, it works in both 32 and 64-bit mode. It requires Live 9 and Max 6.1, so Live 8 users who own Max for Live are out of luck here.

The Shaper in action:

Get Shaper for free until March 31 (3.99 Euro after that)

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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