CatStretch 3 by Max for Cats

CatStretch 3 by Max for Cats

CatStretch 3 is a 6-voice polyphonic time-stretching sample playback instrument. It lets you ‘freeze’ a sonic character at a specified position and play it back chromatically with MIDI notes.

CatStretch 3 out now

CatStretch 3 Out Now

CatStretch is an amazing sound design tool that I’ve been using for pretty much every song since it was first released. It is a 6-voice polyphonic time-stretching sample playback instrument that essentially lets you ‘freeze’ a sonic character at a

ConChord 1.2 Update

With an update following so closely on the heels of the last, you can probably guess that it’s one that doesn’t bring any new features, but merely bugfixes. The update is of course free for all current users. If you’ve

ConChord 1.1 Update – Now 16 Step Chord Sequencing

Christian Kleine aka Max for Cats is back with a free update for all current ConChord users. ConChord, the pulse driven chord step sequencer, now features 16 steps instead of just 8, which gives you a maximum of 112 pulses,

Loop Impressions 2018 by Nicole Equerme

I couldn’t make it to LA for this year’s Loop summit, but fellow musician and now also hardware builder Nicole Equerme graciously agreed to report back for us. While there were some live streams and interactive challenges for those of


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