More Expressive Push: Free Push 2 Pedal Expression by Max for Cats

So now that Push 3 is out, but plenty of users are happy to stick with their previous version, we thought it’s time to give Push 2 some love and extra capabilities. Enter Push 2 Pedal Expression, a Max for Live MIDI effect created by Ableton developer Ralf Suckow. It allows you to attach one or two passive analog expression pedals to your Push 2, calibrate their movements, and then use them to send all kinds of MIDI data. And did I mention, Ralf is offering it for free?!


Push 2 Pedal Expression supports passive analog expression pedals – any polarity, tip or ring, between 5k and 300 kOhm.

Simply add the MIDI effect to a MIDI track. Push 2 needs to be connected and turned on, the expression pedal(s) to one of Ableton Push 2’s pedal jacks as well. Then the MIDI effect’s display directs you through a series of steps to calibrate it.

Once that’s done, you can select the desired MIDI control change for the pedal. Available are the following: modwheel, breath control, foot control, volume, balance, pan, expression control, effect control 1 and 2, sustain, and hold 2/trigger. You can now control these extra parameters with your pedal.

The calibration and CC selection are both saved with the Live Set, and are automatically activated when either the Live Set is loaded or Push 2 is connected.

Any questions or suggestions? Let me know in the comments below. You can also say thanks. 😉

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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12 responses

  1. Oh that so sweet and very happy not to be alone to think the Push2 inside Max are so powerful. I have made the update of Darwin Grosse Max audio effect, like that people can access the Push2 and start learning Max to make what they want. . I wish I have more time to make a series about what I have found grabbing the Push2. I have study one of your patch Omnichord, and yes also I want to say you many thanks for what I have learn in Max from you.

  2. Thanks, Madeleine, for posting this. And for even making a video!

    The following pedals were tested (but many others should work as well):
    Roland EV-5
    Boss FV-500-L
    Fatar VP-25
    Korg XVP-10
    Yamaha FC-7
    Behringer FCV100
    M-Audio EX-P
    Moog EP-3
    Dunlop Volume Pedal GCB80
    Ernie Ball EB6167

    The reason why not all CC numbers are offered is to avoid conflicts with change control messages issued by other Push2 controls like keys and pots.

  3. Hello,

    Could this be used to make the expression pedal trigger midi notes? ie to play a midi kick drum note?


    1. No, the intention is to be able to send MIDI CCs. If you want to send a MIDI note for a kick you’d better use a simple MIDI switch pedal. Otherwise you’d have to use another Max for Live device that can convert MIDI CCs to a MIDI note, which doesn’t make much sense.

  4. Hello! This device doesn’t seem to be working correctly in Ableton Live 12. The device does not make the calibration curve, however it is recognizing the push2 and changing the CC message accordingly. Any updates in mind soon? Thanks!!

  5. Hello, thank you for this device, I have the nektar expression pedal plugged into push 2 but the max4live device never gets to “finally, lower the pedal slowly” it just goes back to click here to start push 2 pedal calibration and isnt reading the pedal

    1. I’ve written to the dev about this issue. He’s looking into it. Please do not keep writing more and more comments. It’s just one person doing everything here (me).

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