Two Very Useful Free Max for Live Devices for Ableton Push – Push Speed Dial & Push Snap n Scale

This time, I’ve got two interesting Max for Live for Push devices to tell you about. Both ‘Push Speed Dial’ & ‘Push Snap n Scale’ enhance the features of Ableton Push in exciting new ways for both studio and stage.

Push Speed Dial

It transforms the Push Master Volume Encoder into a speed dial to control the currently selected parameter in Live. And without deactivating any existing automation of this parameter. To reset the parameter to its default value, you simply need to hold Delete on Push and touch the encoder.

Download ‘Push Speed Dial’

Push Speed Dial & Push Snap n Scale

Push Snap n Scale

This device adds two features to Ableton Push while making use of the fantastic MIDI remote script ClyphX. It allows you to store scales in clips, so you could use a different scale for every clip in the same Live Set. You can also take and store snapshots of one or even all devices of the current track in clips.

Download ‘Push Snap n Scale’

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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