Polyrhythmus – Free Max for Live MIDI Effect for Patterns

Polyrhythmus is a Max for Live rhythm sequencer, arpeggio builder as well as a MIDI CC and parameter automator. If you’re into polyrhythms or arpeggios, this one’s quite a treat. It looks great, too and despite all this is free.



  • build polyrhythmic patterns (counterpoint, polymetric etc)
  • use them (live) as arpeggiators
  • to sequence drums, MIDI CCs, parameters in Live
  • run sequences sinusodial
  • trigger one sequence with another
  • have 23 steps run at the same time as 5 others do
  • skip steps
  • randomize parameters

Watch the video tutorial:

Download Polyrhythmus

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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