The “ToyDream” Live Pack is made from the sound of an old toy piano. Three fully macro mapped Instrument Racks, two for dreamy soundscapes, one for arpeggiated parts. Made in and for Ableton Live 9 and up.
Listen to the demo:
If clicking it to download results in a text-file, simply right-click and choose ‘Save Link as…’. To install, just double-click the alp-file and choose the installation path when prompted by Live. And here’s a tutorial on how to use the presets from Live Packs that are not self-installing.

I would appreciate a small donation if you are able to do so and would like to express your gratitude. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
If you have questions or suggestions, please leave me a comment below.
Check out the other free Sonic Bloom Live Packs.
8 responses
mag ja an der besinnlichen jahreszeit liegen: ich find die sphärigen racks wahrlich schick.
einfach ein fettes dankeschön
Beautifull !!!!
These are fantastic, thank you so much.
just fantastic…thanks sooo much!
it makes a weird sound whenever I try to make chords. How can I solve this?
thank you!
here I leave you a little recording
thanks again
I just tried the Live Set with all three presets again in Live 9.6 and they’re all working just fine without any issues. I really have no clue what you’re doing there.