Free Ableton Live Themes Set #14 for Live 11

I’m back with five recreations of my Ableton Live skins as themes for Live 11. These themes will only work in Live 11 and up, because I’ve used a default theme from Live 11 to adapt them. Unfortunately I didn’t realise that trying to use these new themes in Live 10 will throw out an error message. Though the good news is that these themes have been perfectly adapted to work with the interface in Live 11. This includes all the changes like the scene numbering or the tabs in the clip view. I’ve also fixed a few issues I had noticed in the skins so they should be even better than before.

Ableton Live Themes #14

The skins I’ve adapted are First Green, Asparagus, Amber, Argent as well as Blue Night (in order of appearance in the image). I will release more over the coming months so stay tuned if your favourite skin hasn’t been revised just yet. If you’re impatient, drop me a comment below which one is your fave so I can include it in the next set.

I would be grateful for a small donation if you are able to give it as a way of saying thanks. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!

Important note: These themes only work in Live 11 and up.

For Live 10 and up you can also download free themes. You can still download the Live 9 skins. If you don’t know how to install them, have a look at this tutorial, and if you’d like to create your own themes, I’ve got a tutorial for that as well.

Let me know in the comments if there’s anything not working as it’s easy to overlook something with all the small details in Live’s interface.

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6 responses

  1. Hi, Madeleine, thank you for all of the lovely themes and skins you’ve released over the years- they make Live a joy to use. My favorites from this batch are First Green and Blue Night (others I enjoy are Float, Juniper, Midnight, Neon, Float…). One thing I did notice with Blue Night is that when turning a track in Arrangement view on/off (Control On Foreground), the button stays the same shade of blue. I found myself getting confused which tracks I had on/muted. Other than that, I love its retro color scheme and it’s awesome for working at night 🙂

    1. Thanks for the lovely comments and the constructive feedback. No wonder muting a track was confusing as it was impossible to see the difference. I’ve fixed the issue which I hadn’t even considered. It wasn’t the Control on Foreground, which is for the text colour, but the same colour used for Control Background and Chosen Default. I’ve made the track being on a darker shade of blue (Chosen Default). I will check the other new themes for Live 11 as well to make sure I haven’t made the same mistake in others, too.

      I don’t know if Gumroad sends out a notification email to those who had downloaded the set, but you can just re-download it now to get the fix.

    1. You can use the Live 8 skins in Live 11 as well. Just certain elements that have been changed, mostly the transport bar will have the default grey colour then. You could just open the file of a Live 11 theme with a normal text editor, then figure out the colours of the Live 8 skin and change the colour values. This guide still applies, but hasn’t got a few elements that were added/changed in Live 11:

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