EraserMice ProSession & Dynamixing Three by PerforModule – Produce & Mix Better in Ableton Live

While Ableton has added the option to have Live open in two windows a while back, this only really helps when you have a dual monitor setup. EraserMice went one step further with his Max for Live Pack ProSession which makes it possible to view both Session and Arrangement View in one window. And even if you have two monitors you might like the convenience of having both views accessible with fewer mouse movements.

To round off the mixing tools, PerforModule’s Dynamixing Three Live Pack was released alongside EraserMice ProSession at Isotonik Studios.

EraserMice ProSession

EraserMice ProSession

proSession.amxd basically adds a copy of the Session View to a track with a nifty mouse over quick access to track controls.

proSessionHUDD.amxd, the “Heads Up Device Display”, shows you what’s happening in the devices on the selected track and can be kept in sync with proSession. You can even customise which devices and parameters should be the defaults for proSession. Use it on any or each track you want access to any device parameters.

proSessionHUDDremote.amxd lets you set up MIDI and OSC mapping of the HUDD device(s) as well as access HUDD controls from Live’s automation methods.

EraserMice ProSession lets you easily keep track of and control pretty much anything from one track’s device view, making the master track an obvious choice. There are quite a few helpful videos and a PDF manual, although most of it is rather self-explanatory and intuitive if you just explore the features.

Watch the video tutorial:


EraserMice ProSession is available for £ 13.99 from Isotonik Studios.

DynaMixing Three by PerforModule

This Live Pack makes clever use of both Live devices and the free Max for Live devices available on Ableton’s website to give you a bunch of very useful audio effect racks for mixing including artificially-intelligent reactive parameters. But remember, use carefully as more often isn’t better.


  • Super Distortion gain-staged implementation of 7 different types of distortion, plus a tone knob
  • Adjective EQ (6Band) each with a knob to cut or boost and a knob to place the frequency spot
  • Sophten 4 different methods to soften harsh high frequencies
  • Analog Pressure channel strip designed for adding analog taste to material
  • AutoGain 1.1 automatically “gain-ride” (live) audio material
  • LRMS AutoSculptor a custom LRMS balanced chain-split to divide the signal into 5 parallel auto-dynamic 2-band shelving EQ chains
  • SidePump one-knob sidechain compressor
  • Tube Maximizer designed to be used as the last stage in an FX chain

Watch the video tutorial:


DynaMixing Three is available for £ 19.99 from Isotonik Studios.

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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One Response

  1. Hi,

    This is the header of Isotonik webside and the new devices !

    -All People need Bitwig they want a proper mapping for not only six scriptable controller slots..

    All People they want use and mapp more than one of the same controllers maybe 2 APC 40

    All People the need and will creat a custom mapping and custum Cc messages of this Controllers without buggy laggy 3 rd. Part devices from max4live

    All People they want setup new cc for the controller or creat Banks for Fader or device or track controls or deactivate or activated controller Features direct in the DaW without Python or max4L

    All People they want saving the customizing of the whole controller setup in one file ..
    No sysex dump to your controller Apc40 have not a dump feature but all other controller need it not save your custom mapping work in your Daw file..

    All People they want Share the whole Controller functions set to other People so they can use same controller but they don t need not download Python files or update the controller with sysex or max for Live, the simple Version is enough Bitwig 250,-
    Put in your controller load a set and now you have a new feature set up a new workaround and layout for Controllers,direct without hassle, script it change it save it Share it no Problem

    Thats one feature in Bitwig 1.2 beta And I learn it as longtime Live user from a friend and it was mindblowing how mapping can work stabil and intiutiv.
    No Limits anymore.

    Best regard

    P.s. Bitiwigs under Linux Is amazing no Windos no Mac needed anymore

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