Ableton Live 9 Course & Services

I’m happy to announce that my first Ableton Live course is now online. “Ableton Live 9 Essentials” is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to produce their own music with Ableton Live. I’ve also teamed up with Christian

Ableton Live 9-11 Tutorial: Recording MIDI

To turn MIDI into sound you need a MIDI instrument, because MIDI itself contains only data like note number, velocity and length, but no sound. This tutorial shows you step by step how you can record MIDI in Live 9.

Ableton Live 9.0.3 Update

The latest update of Ableton Live 9 was released yesterday. Besides the usual bug fixes and improvements, it also adds a new feature, new control surfaces and a new skin.

Ableton Live Tutorial: How to Install MIDI Remote Scripts

Even though Ableton Live comes with a lot of MIDI remote scripts aka Control Surfaces, there will be times when you have to install one yourself. Some controllers require a special script to be installed and there are also a

Free Kalimba Live Pack (No. 4)

Here’s another Live Pack I’ve created. It contains three Instrument Racks based on a kalimba sample. They’re all macro mapped, work in Live 8 as well as 9 and can be used for anything from pling plong melodies to mean

Start Transport with Record – New old feature in Live 9

While there are a lot of workflow improvements in Live 9, there are some changes that can practically wreck your live performance. One of them is the way how clicking one of the record buttons would instantly start the recording.


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