Retake – Max for Live Device to Capture Your Ideas Even If You Forgot to Press Record

Did it ever happen that you played something amazing, but you didn’t record it? Retake, by denleschae, is a Max for Live plugin that lets you “recover” your ideas.

When added to a MIDI track it will record all notes when Live is in playback mode and the arrangement loop is set to off. Otherwise, the plugin is idle. I’m sure I will add it to my MIDI tracks when working on a new song. Retake could turn out to be a real time and idea saver.

How it works:


  1. Add Retake to a MIDI track.
  2. Turn on record enable for the track.
  3. Press Play on the transport (make sure the arrangement loop is inactive).
  4. After playback stops, create an empty clip in the track used for performance.
  5. Click the button to instantly retake the previous performance and record it to the clip.
  6. Adjust the loop points in the clip to taste.

Download Retake

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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