Free Max for Live MIDI Effect “Scene Transposer”

Ever wanted to transpose all clips in one scene on the fly? The Max for Live MIDI effect Scene Transposer makes it possible.



  • Transpose clips in the selected scene by semitones.
  • Choose if you want to transpose only midi clips (M), only audio clips (A) or both (M/A).
  • MIDI clips are transposed destructively, the notes in the clips themselves are moved to the new pitch.
  • Audio clips go through a check if Warp is on or not. If not, it will just transpose the clip. If it’s on you can reset the Warp mode by selecting a mode and checking the Reset Warp box before you click Transpose.
  • Alternatively you can use it to only change the Warp mode for all audio clips.

Get Scene Transposer for free.

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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