Auto Shift – Ableton Live 12.1 Get Its Own Autotune

Today Ableton announced the public beta for Live 12.1 and it comes packed with new features and even two new devices. The focus of this video tutorial will be on Auto Shift, as it adds a feature that many have been asking for for a long time. Pitch Correction. That’s right, Ableton is finally giving us its own version of Autotune.

Available in all Live editions, Auto Shift is a new real-time monophonic pitch tracking and correction audio effect with formant shifting. Although it can be used with any other monophonic signal, working with vocals is where its design really shines. Using the MIDI sidechain, the incoming signal can also be monophonically or polyphonically played and harmonised.

Two different LFOs can be used to modulate Auto Shift’s main functions: either a multipurpose LFO or a dedicated vibrato LFO. The device can also modulate MPE in MIDI mode. Both user-defined and built-in scales are supported by the audio effect.

Watch the Video:


If you have a Live 12 licence and haven’t joined the beta programme yet, you can do so here and try out all the new features. If you are already a beta tester, the beta should update automatically when you open it. Otherwise, if the automatic update didn’t work or you’ve turned it off, log in to Centercode and download it from there.

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So what do you think of Auto Shift? Is it what you were hoping for? Do you think you’ll be using it a lot or maybe not? Let me know if you have any questions.

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4 responses

  1. Great tutorial, im new to using autotune. I’ve been reading about melodyne, variaudio and antares autotune.

    How do you think the new “auto shift” compares?

    1. I haven’t used Autotune in ages, Melodyne some years ago. What Auto Shift doesn’t have, is a visual display of the pitch correction. Otherwise I find it pretty good.

  2. I’ll be interested to have a go with this in a creative sense rather than a pitch correction sense. It’s a great bit of kit by the look of things. Thanks for such a great article.

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