6 Free Skins for Ableton Live 9 (#2)

I’ve created 6 new skins for Ableton Live that you can download for free. They work well with Live 9 and also previous versions. This set of skins adds more dashes of colour than the last one, but without being too shrill. Enjoy!

Ableton Live Skins 2

Download the free “Ableton Live Skins 2”

You can find even more skins here. If you don’t know how to install new skins, here’s a quick tutorial.

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20 responses

      1. Hab mir nun die Skins angesehen..
        marble.. wirklich schön..
        102/65/14 habe Ich in den Farbeinstellungen (13′)
        Bei einigen der anderen Skins sind einige Punkte weiß in weiß.
        earthen funktioniert soweit auch ganz gut.

        Der Editor wäre evtl. einfacher zu händeln, wenn dieser von oben nach unten in Spalten wäre. Und vielleicht jeweiliger Instanz entsprechend.
        Vielleicht Submenus, so das Ich explit die Bereiche anwähle, die ich ändern mag.

  1. Hi Madeline, are you able to share the skin you have visible on the two ‘live pack’ screenshots? its really nice!

  2. Hi and thanks Madeleine! I see the new Live 9 skin editor but are so hard to identify the parts, do you know another editor with part description like old editor from SonicTransfer? thank you!

    1. Unfortunately, I don’t know any editor that makes it easy to determine which part it is. You can still use the SonicTransfer one, but anything that was added changed since then can’t be edited with it.

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