Christian Kleine – New Album “Shipbuilding” with Max for Live Synth “Tide”

Christian Kleine, Max for Live developer at Ableton, analogue synth lover and musician has just released his new album called “Shipbuilding”. It only makes sense that it comes bundled with a Max for Live synth called “Tide”. Both “Shipbuilding” and “Tide”, an 8 voice synthesizer, were created during the long and very dark Berlin winter nights 2012/2013.

Tide’s key features:

  • 4 Oscillators – each oscillator has some special functions
  • Moog Ladder-style Lowpass filter
  • 2 LFO with several waveforms + another LFO for OSC1 and OSC2 each
  • Modulation envelope with positive and negative amount
  • Ring Modulation
  • Frequency Modulation
  • Waveform creator window
  • Custom Waveform drawing
  • and more…

Watch the video tutorial for “Tide”:

While his previous album “Ilusion” was sometimes described by critics as stoic and sober because of its precise drum machine rhythms, “Shipbuilding”, Christian’s forth solo album, has a newfound playfulness to it. It contains 10 beautiful electronic tracks all carrying his own warm analogue blend of synthesizers, guitar and other acoustic instruments. Despite their inception on dark winter days, or possibly because of that, the songs often have a dreamlike character and lightness to them, unless a heavier hip hop beat sets in. My favourites are “Centre Dust”, “Shore”, “Trickery” and “If Yes How”.

Listen to Christian Kleine’s Shipbuilding:

Get “Shipbuliding” and “Tide”

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