4 Max for Live Patches to Make More out of the Novation Launchpad

A while ago I wrote about Max for Live devices that could enhance Ableton Push’s functionalities, but there are also helpful patches for other common MIDI controllers. This time I’ve assembled an interesting collection made specifically for the Novation Launchpad.

Grain Reverser – Free Max for Live Effect

I really love using reversed audio in my music, like when I want to achieve a kind of haunting or eerie atmosphere. Maurizio Giri has created a Max for Live audio effect – Grain Reverser – that does this by

Spiker FXM – Free Max for Live Audio Effect

Spiker FXM (Effects Module) is an audio effect for Max for Live by Roberto Attanasio modeled after his standalone app Spiker. You can use it for filter sweeps, to boost bass frequencies, degrade the sound or add ambient noise. It’s

Green Switch – Free Max for Live CPU-Saver

I already featured another of J Garcia’s devices, the Note Displacer. He also made Green Switch, actually two Max for Live devices – one for MIDI and one for audio tracks. Both automatically turn off all devices on a track


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