Sonic Bloom Turns 10: Giveaway & Everything 30% Off in the Shop

Sonic-Bloom turns 10

The tenth anniversary of Sonic Bloom is here and I’m woefully unprepared. At least for what I had in mind for today. Healing from iatrogenic harm that has caused several vicious cycles in my body made it impossible to work full time for a long time, which I’m still in the process of reversing btw. This means I’m behind with all my plans. So be it. I’ll make the eleventh birthday the big one. It’s my favourite number anyway, plus I’m known to be idiosyncratic by now, LOL. Keep your fingers crossed that my healing continues and I don’t run into yet another vicious cycle that sets me back.

Anyway… there’s a lot more to come eventually. I’m currently in RND mode. And for now, I’ve got a giveaway for you. Four prizes to win (see below).

Birthday Sale: 30 % Off in the Shop

Everything in the Sonic Bloom shop will be 30% off until Sunday, October 23 right before midnight CET. You can use the following code in the checkout to get the discount:


Join the Mailing List for Updates & Discounts

If you’d like to stay updated on what’s happening on Sonic Bloom as well as get regular discounts, please sign up to my monthly newsletter below. I won’t bug you with more than a monthly update and will never give your email address to anyone else. Double pinky swear!




Take part to win one of four awesome prizes. The giveaway ends Saturday, October 22 just before midnight CET. The winners will be announced and notified on Sunday. Good luck!

Since the widget doesn’t show what prize each winner got, I’ll list them:

Al F. from Spain: Max for Cats Complete Collection
Neil Frazer from the UK: the lesson with me
Joe Kadla from Austria: House Operator Vol. 1 Live Pack
Antonio Petti from Italy: Array Mbira Live Pack

Congratulations! The emails have gone out to you. Please also check your spam folder if you haven’t received anything.

Sonic Bloom 10th Birthday Giveaway

On to the next decade of Sonic Bloom!

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2 responses

  1. Great! Have been following the blog for years now, congrats!
    And you’ll be better soon <3 strentgh!

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