Lots of Push Improvements with Ableton Live 9.6.2 Update

The latest update for Ableton Live was quietly released and it brings a host of improvements for Ableton Push. Things like Scales Layout settings being stored within a Live Set, but lots of small, but incredible workflow changes.

It is now possible to copy and paste:

  • a Clip to a Clip Slot of choice when you hold Duplicate in Session mode.
  • a step into a different part of the Clip for Push 1 and 2 in the Drum Rack Step Sequencer.
  • notes across pitches in the Melodic Step Sequencer for Push 1 and 2.

More improvements in the step sequencers:

  • In the melodic step sequencer, stepped automation is now linked to note length.
  • In both the melodic and Drum Rack step sequencer, note length can now be adjusted via the pads, by holding the pad where the step exists, and one pad at its right.


  • When converting an audio Clip to Simpler, the device chain content is now copied from the original track to the destination track.
  • When Simpler is in One Shot mode, the ‘Gain’ parameter is now available in place of Volume.
  • When using Simpler in Slicing mode, holding ‘Delete’ and pressing a Slice will remove all its steps in the currently selected Clip, if any exist.

Check the release notes for further improvements and bugfixes.

I’m really happy that we can now store the Scales layout with the set and the copy and paste features will improve my workflow with Push a lot in the long run. What do you think will be your favourite improvement(s)?

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