Trick or treat? HauntedVerb by Max for Cats Bats creates ambiences from beyond. Either tweak it to your own claustrophic needs or use one of the presets. Perfect for Halloween, but also always handy when you could do with some eerie, haunting or downright scary sounds in your tracks. And most frighteningly you can download it for free.

HauntedVerb requires Live 9 and Max for Live (6.1) and comes in a self-installing Live Pack that contains various presets.
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This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.
15 responses
Great effect!!! Very spooky 😉 Let’s see what we can do with it…. A new creepy track….
Preliminary twiddle was great fun, useful for techno too so after Halloween maybe a reskin? Thanks!
I can ask Christian, but he’s really busy as it is. You could go in and reskin it as well… 🙂
I tried but it’s locked! Doesn’t bother me though, have half a track written by putting just a kick and snare through three HauntedVerbs in parallel and it sounds great!
max 4 bats….ha…thanks for goodies, as always!
Registered but can’t find no download link for this ??? Spooky !!!
The database did a trick or treat on us and got corrupted including weird white text on white. Spooky indeed! All fixed now.
The text is white on white by the way, but I guess you know this, so to read anything here I need to select the text :S
Halloween trick by the database. My apologies. That was not cleared with HQ.
i can’t find the download link 🙁
I’m sorry. The database got corrupted and I had to fix it. This meant that the download link was not visible. It’s all back to normal now and you should see the link when you’re logged in. My apologies to everyone! That was bad timing.
I cannot locate the download link here. I am logged in but don’t see it anywhere. Can you please help?
All good now, thanks for fixing this 😀
Max 4 Bats + Noland = Sonic Heaven….err, I mean HELL !
Awesome Graphics + Sound.
Now back to the Scary Stuff….Woooo..
Herzliches Dankeschön ! Madelaine 🙂