Ableton Live 8: Housekeeping via the File Manager Part 2

This is part 2 of the Housekeeping series. Before you attempt to follow this one, you should go through part 1 (Collecting Files) to avoid accidentally deleting any files you still need in other Live Sets. Finding and Deleting Unused

Ableton Live Tutorial: MIDI Step Recording

When you’re not a great keyboard player or accomplished at playing beats, but want add more elaborate chord progression or beats to a song or track, don’t worry. There’s a great feature in Live called MIDI Step Recording that you

Ableton Live 8: Housekeeping via the File Manager Part 1

When working on music, you quite often deal with big file sizes and lots of files can get accumulated rather quickly. Sure, computer hard drives offer increasingly more space, but as with anything, some tidying up becomes necessary and should

Playing Notes and Chords with Ableton’s Push

A while ago I posted the first tutorial video by Ableton on how to use Push. Now there’s a second one. This one explains how to play notes or chords and how to use pressure and pitchbend to modulate sound

Nifty Tricks for Tracks in Ableton Live

There’s a few hidden features for tracks that not many people are aware of. All of them can be very handy for keeping track (see what I did there?) of where’s what and help with the workflow.


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