TransPan – Transient Panning via Free Max for Live Device

This week I have another simple, yet effective free Max for Live effect to mention. TransPan is a transient driven panner. This means depending on the transients of the incoming signal, the audio is panned left or right. This can

10 Hidden Features in Ableton Live with Options.txt

It’s been quite a while since I made these video tutorial about all the extra features you can unlock with the help of the Options.txt in Ableton Live. Back then they made a huge splash. You may already know them,

Lots of Push Improvements with Ableton Live 9.6.2 Update

The latest update for Ableton Live was quietly released and it brings a host of improvements for Ableton Push. Things like Scales Layout settings being stored within a Live Set, but lots of small, but incredible workflow changes. It is now possible


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