Ableton Live 9-11 File Management Part 3: Archiving as Live Packs

This is part 3 of the File Management series. Before you start archiving you might want to tidy up first as described in parts 1 (Collecting Files) and 2 (Finding and Deleting unused Files).

Archiving as Live Packs

Whether you want to archive your Live Projects or share them with collaborators or publicly online, Live offers a way to do just that with so called Live Packs.

  1. Open the File Manager by choosing ‘Manage Files’ from the File menu.
  2. Click on ‘Manage Project’.
  3. Click on the little triangle next to ‘Packing’ to unfold its options.
  4. Click the ‘Create Live Pack’ button which will open a dialog.
  5. There you can specify the name and location of the Live Pack to be created, then click Save.

The resulting Live Pack has the ending alp. Creating a Live Pack works just like creating a zip-file. The contained files will be compressed, thus saving up to 50% compared to the original Live Project. Meanwhile, the Project itself remains unchanged.

To unpack a Live Pack, simply double-click it, drag it into the main window of Live or locate it via the command ‘Install Live Pack’ from the File menu. Live will ask you to choose a location where you want the Live Project to reside. If the Live Pack contains Factory content, it will be automatically installed into the Library without asking you for a location.

This way to the firstsecond and last tutorial of the same series.

Anything to ask or add? Simply leave me a comment.

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2 responses

  1. Thanks, this is very helpful. Apropos creating live packs, I’m struggling to find info/not sure if it’s possible to create “3rd party device” Packs that are self-installing –just like like Ableton’s factory Packs– (so when they’re installed they go straight to Live’s library with a device+preset folder+lesson structure, as opposed to having to unpack an actual live set if that makes sense?). Is this possible or is this a feature reserved for Ableton-only/Ableton-approved vendors? Thanks so much…

    1. Yes, there aren’t any tutorials about this. Technically you can build legacy (Live 8) packs, but I hear it’s cumbersome, takes forever and I’m not really familiar with the process at this point. Ableton don’t want others to have this ability. Even sound partners don’t have a tool.

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