Sonic Bloom is now online for two years. Time to celebrate it with a befitting free Live Pack, methinks. So this Live Pack is based on the sound of fireworks. One Drum Rack, one Instrument Rack made from a howler, both fully macro-mapped. Made in and for Ableton Live 9.
Listen to the demo:
If clicking it to download results in a text-file, simply right-click and choose ‘Save Link as…’. To install, just double-click the alp-file and choose the installation path when prompted by Live. And here’s a tutorial on how to use the presets from Live Packs that are not self-installing.

I would be happy to receive a small donation if you are able to do so as a token of appreciation. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
You have question or something to add. Feel free to do so in the comments.
Check out the other free Sonic Bloom Live Packs.
2 responses
how do I load the free stuff????
where do I have to click….. with picture or link????
I’m looged in but nothing change….
The database got corrupted and I had to fix it. This meant that the download link was not visible. It’s all back to normal now and you should see the link when you’re logged in. My apologies to everyone! That was bad timing.