Autosputter – Free Max for Live Glitch Stutter Effect

After a fairly long break due to ongoing health issues I’m back with regular posts about cool new Max for Live devices. A lot of them free. Autosputter by ldmdevices is one of them. It’s got a design more in line with VST plug-ins and only a handful of controls for instant stuttering glitchy loops. In short, it’s simple to use and plenty of fun!


The 4 main buttons can be assigned to different note lengths that they will loop any incoming audio in. That in turn will create glitching stutter effects that can be played in reverse, at half or double speed. There’s also a knob to sweep across the loop size/speed for even more glitchy fun. And you can decide how much of the stuttering you want to come through with the dry/wet crossfader.

Download Autosputter

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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