With a little help from Max for Live: Melody Generation Rack for Live Jams

I fairly often get emails asking which Max for Live device would make something specific possible in Ableton Live. Regularly the feature becomes possible with one of Ableton’s own free Max for Live devices and the Live users asking surprisingly often have the pack already installed that includes the device they’re looking for. These emails and also questions from my students in the same vein were the inspiration for beginning this new video tutorial series called With a little Help from Max for Live.

I’m kicking off the series with a mini series on how to achieve cool things for live performances and jams with only devices available for free from the Ableton Pack section. That doesn’t mean they can’t be useful in your productions. I might continue with the theme of tips for live performances at least for a while as I’m working on my new live performance setup and am tinkering with lots of ideas on how to make certain things happen that I would like to share. Later on I will also include Max for Live devices from independent developers, because there are so many great devices adding features to Live.

In this first episode we’re making use of Dr Chaos from the free Probability Pack by Sonic Faction, a Max for Live MIDI effect that generates melodies based on probability, settings and a dose of chaos. With Dr Chaos we will create a MIDI effect rack that will make jamming melodies easy, versatile, always musically sounding and fun. At the end of the video you can hear me jamming with it via Push 2.

English Version:

Deutsche Version:

I’m always open to questions or suggestions. If you’ve got one, please comment below.

This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.

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