Pushing On: The Best New Videos and Interviews on Ableton Push

As more and more people get their Push units, more and more videos about it pop up. I collected some of the best for you here as well as interesting interviews with Ableton CEO Gerhard Behles and project manager Jesse Terry.

Ableton Certified Trainer Amit Segall goes into the basics of music theory to show how the notes are laid out in Push’s In-Key mode enabling you to play lots of songs very easily.

Jordan Rudess, renowned musician and composer, explains in this video how to play leads on Push in the chromatic mode showcasing his pitchbending skills with the touch strip.

I love the modernist composers and in this next video, Ableton Certified Trainer Scottie Dugan plays Debussy using the chromatic mode that makes all notes available on Push with each first note of an octave indicated in blue.

This following video shows a live jam on Push by modul8tor and it’s my favourite one of the videos out there so far. It’s a bit laggy, but the musical result makes up for it.

Here’s a chilled jazz improv by Tom Cosm on Push.

Interviews on Push

Gerhard Behles gave a detailed interview to KVR Audio talking about the beginnings of Ableton and how it came to Live 9, Max for Live and of course Push. Jesse Terry meanwhile talks about the creation of Push showing the infamous Lego prototype (I remember doing some testing way back when on it) in his interview with MacProVideo.com.

More on Ableton Push.

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