Updated: Random seed function now also MIDI and key mappable
Electronic music needs some wild sounds thrown in sometimes. That’s why Max for Cats created the Ploid! device. And best of all, it’s free for all Max for Live users. We hope you will have lots of fun with it!

Dialectic Machine, meditation of the suburbs. Anti-Histogram decomposer, interactive pseudo-navigation enhancement device. Logos machinery for composing scenery.
Technical specifications:
- 8 generators, multiply ascenders
- 8 x-factor switches
- 8 xy-range destinations
- 2 algorithm bakery
- modulation generator with 6 waveforms
- random seed function
- volume fader
Say what?
Check out the video:
I’d be grateful for a small donation if you have the means and would like to say thank you. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
This way for heaps more Max for Live devices & tips.
19 responses
I keep getting a file not found error when I try to download.
Sorry, managed to get a typo in there. It’s fixed now.
Thanx once more to the wonderful team of sonic bloom and MaxForCats, Madeleine and Christian!!! You both do so much good for the Ableton community. 🙂
Thank you. Plenty more to come in the future. So many plans, so little time. 🙂
Shame that it is M4L.
Sounds rather nice.
Pure data (or C++) port, please.
This is a website dedicated specifically to Ableton Live, Push and Max for Live. So that’s what you can get here, sorry.
You guys stroked again! Well done , as usual .
Thanks. Not all guys though…
can’t wait to give it a bleep – äh – a try
You guys rock, thank you! Oh and you too Madeleine.
You’re welcome. Max for Cats is just Christian except for OSCiLLOT. But nevermind. 🙂
Sounds crazy enough for me to try it, thank you very much!
People that can’t use M4L might want to check out “Fracture” by Glitchmachines.
It’s a free vst for Mac and Windows.
WOW!!! Thanks for posting this little beast.
I spent some time with it, and you can get some very interesting sounds.
Thanks again
How to connect random seed function to external midi controler?
Max for Cats seems to have forgotten to make it mappable. He’s promised to make an update soon.
Ok, I will be waiting:) Thanks
YES! THX so much for update!
Does nothing when I insert it. How do you use it? Manual?
Press play. Transport needs to be on for it to work.