Free SB Mellotron Bassoon Live Pack (No. 66)

Years ago, I made 10 free Mellotron Live Packs from samples by Taijiguy. He recently got in touch with me to let me know he’d uploaded 8 further sample sets, so I sat down and create Simpler presets as well as Instrument Racks for them as well that will be coming out over the next months.

If the name Mellotron doesn’t ring a bell, it’s an electromechanical keyboard instrument that is considered the analogue archetype of the sampler. It works with 3/8 inch wide, three-track tapes on which individual tones are stored as recorded sounds of specific musical instruments such as violin or trumpet. The tapes, which are in a row of tape cassettes, are for each individual key to be played back via a sound head when the key is pressed.

This first resulting Live Pack contains the individually sampled Mellotron Bassoon in one Simpler preset as well as four fully macro mapped Instrument Racks. One of the racks simply adds easy access to useful parameters of the Reverb, the others are a bit more adventurous as you can hear below. The Live Pack is self-installing and made for Live 9.7 Standard and up.

Listen to the demo:

I would welcome a small donation if you are able to do so as a way of saying thank you. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!

Comments are welcome. 🙂

Check out the other Mellotron Live Packs as well all the other free Sonic Bloom Live Packs I have released over the years.

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