When the Live 10 beta dropped, I got quite a few messages asking if the Live 9 skins would still work. They do, but the transport bar stays grey, which works okay for some skins, not so well for others. Live 10 uses a different format (XML), hence the different name. This means updating all the skins I’ve made over the years would mean recreating every single one of them from scratch.
So I’ve made five brand new themes for Live 10 that you can download for free. More to come. They range from light to dark, and as per usual also contain dashes of colour.

I’d be grateful for a small donation if you have the means and would like to say thank you. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
Get more free themes. You can still download the Live 9 skins. If you don’t know how to install them, have a look at this tutorial, and if you’d like to create your own themes, I’ve got a tutorial for that as well.
9 responses
Wonderful, thank you!
If we come up with any good ones ourselves with your tutorial, do you want us to share them back?
(The pdf tutorial in the email, I mean! In case it seems like I can’t read!)
You mean themes? Yes, please do. And if you figure out any of the elements I couldn’t, let me know as well. 🙂
Many thanks for these Madeleine, I’m sure they will come in very handy.
Is there any way to customize the program interface such as removing one of the two zoom bars on top? It drives me nuts, since I keep clicking the wrong one, lose my spot and by the time I found it again, I forgot what I was going to do.
I maybe should add that I run Ableton 10 off windows newest version.
Yes, you can close the Overview (I suppose this is what you meant) with Cmd + Alt + O (Mac) or Ctrl + Alt + O (Win). You can show or hide plenty of the elements in Live. Go to the Live menu > View and check/uncheck what you don’t want to see or to learn the shortcuts.
Thanks for awesome themes. A nice looking UI sure helps with creativity… Tell me, how do we change the colour palette of the selectable colours in the grid? I want to change them so I can set better combinations.
I don’t know these things by heart. Please check the PDF I’ve provided.