It’s time for another Live Pack to be left out into the world. The ‘Flageolet Live Pack’ contains four Instrument Racks based on me playing a flageolet tone on my trusted old classical guitar. They’re all macro mapped, work in Live 8 as well as 9. Flageolet sounds have both a bell like and percussive quality making them great for patterns, pling plong sounds, bass lines and percussive elements.
Listen to the demo:
If clicking it to download results in a text-file, simply right-click and choose ‘Save Link as…’. To install, just double-click the alp-file and choose the installation path when prompted by Live. And here’s a tutorial on how to use the presets from Live Packs that are not self-installing.

If you have the means and would like to say thank you, I’d appreciate a small donation. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
Questions, suggestions or music to post that made of the Live Pack? Please leave a comment below.
Check out the other free Sonic Bloom Live Packs.
6 responses
Hi Madeleine, I do not use Live unfortunately so I do not know how the sound pack is constructed, but it sounds great! Is there any chance you could release it in some other format? (e.g. Renoise .xrni, .wav or similar)
PS. Not sure how email addresses are used by the entry form, so to avoid spam I used a dummy address, just in case… Will post again if/when you reply to this one 🙂
Hi Karl,
I don’t think I’ll have the time to release the sound packs in other formats. Would need to be completely reconstructed as they use Live devices. As wavs they wouldn’t make much sense as it’s generally just 1-3 samples. If you’re looking for nice samples, is a good start.
Email addresses are only used to confirm the comment wasn’t sent by a spam bot. It’s a built-in functionality by WP.
how do you get the hand logo after the rack name?
It’s not a logo I put in, it’s an indicator by Live It shows that the device is controlled by one or more MIDI controllers right now. Only is shown when controllers are connected and set up.
It should be another great pack, Madeleine! Will try it immediately as soon as I will recover from my multiple 8 and 9 crashes I’m fighting with through the last week. It looks that the whole my system from Windows and up went crazy, without any viruses, just for fun.
Thanks, lovely sound.