Another month, another free Live Pack of a Mellotron sound. The Mellotron, a keyboard precursor to the sampler, was made famous in classic hits like Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles or Space Oddity by David Bowie. This Live Pack features the Mellotron Trumpet preset, each note individually sampled by Taijiguy.
The Live Pack contains a Simpler preset as well as four fully macro-mapped Instrument Racks, one just simply adding macro mappings for the enclosed reverb. One’s good for more glitchy sounds featuring a delay, the Beat Repeat, some added warmth as well as a way to move the sound around in the stereo field. The next Instrument Rack gives the trumpet sound a more metallic touch through the use of chorus and delay, and allows you to quickly bring in a filter sweep. The last one moves the trumpet around in the stereo field in a chorus-y way. For Ableton Live 9.7 Standard or Suite and up.
Listen to the demo:
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Let me know if you’ve got something to add or ask. Comments are always welcome.
Check out the other Mellotron Live Packs as well all the other free Sonic Bloom Live Packs I have released over the years.