While Max for Cats is busy developing new advanced devices, he tends to come up with nice ideas for simpler ones. BigMeter, a big volume meter with a phase correlation meter, is one of them that he followed through to the end. And it’s free (donation possible).
It can be switched between LED and Needle modes and opened in a floating window. You can use as many instances of BigMeter as you have tracks including return tracks and master. So chuck one into every track if you like. The track title is shown on top of the device to distinguish the different meter instances.
BigMeter requires Ableton Live 9 and up as well as Max for Live.
If you have the means to do so and would like to say thank you, I’d be grateful for a small donation. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
2 responses
Just a quick question: How does one use this and why is it useful!?
It’s a volume meter with added phase correlation. You can use it on any track (or as many as you like) to see if a track is going too much into the red or if the audio has phasing issues.