Ableton Live Workflow Tips Part 5 – Adding Multiple Clips

When dragging and dropping multiple audio clips onto the grid, Live will by default add them all to one track. In Session View vertically, in Arrangement View horizontally along the timeline. There will be times though when you want them

Ableton Live Tutorial: Exporting Audio

In Ableton Live you have Session and Arrangement View from which you can export audio. This can be quite confusing at first and if you don’t understand how it’s done you might end up with rendered silence or too short

Ableton Live Tutorial: Recording Audio

If you want to record real instruments or vocals, you should get a decent audio interface as a built-in sound card won’t give you good quality and may give you high latencies which means you’ll hear an annoying delay while

Ableton Live Tutorial: Recording MIDI

MIDI itself contains only data like note number, velocity and length, but no sound. To turn MIDI into sound you need a MIDI instrument. This tutorial shows you step by step how you can record MIDI.

Ableton Live Tutorial: Audio setup (Windows)

Edit: Updated. Valid for Live 8 to 11. The audio set up on Windows computers is a bit trickier than on Macs and has a few stumbling blocks in store. This tutorial takes you step by step through the setup


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