New Year- New Website – New Freebies

A few things about Sonic Bloom. I’m currently in the process of redesigning the website and adding more functionality to it. It’s gonna look so much better and it will go online right in the new year. At the same

Ableton Live Workflow Tips Part 10 – Drawing Envelopes

There are two kind of envelopes in Live, clip envelopes and automation envelopes. These can be added via MIDI controllers or drawing. Or a combination of both. To draw envelopes, you need to turn on the Draw Mode by either clicking

Robert Lippok on Ableton Live 9

In the latest artist feature video by Ableton, we get further glimpses of Live 9’s new features, especially Max for Live devices like Convolution Reverb and Note Echo. Robert Lippok, best known for his work as part of To Rococo

3 Free Sets of Metronome Sounds

In a recent tutorial I explained how you can swap out the metronome sounds in Live with your own. I’ve now created three sets of sounds that only need to be copied into the right folder after unzipping. All contain

Ableton Live Tutorial: How to Change the Metronome Sound

The metronome sound in Ableton Live is pretty piercing and can easily bleed into your audio recordings. Especially when recording vocals. Have you ever wondered how you can change the sound to something more pleasing and less shrill? Here’s how:

MorphJ – Free Max for Live XY Pad Device

Fabrizio Poce, musician and programmer has created a set of 7 Max for Live devices based on xy pad-style morphing. One of the devices in the Morph family, MorphJ is a freeware plugin that allows you to morph (control simultaneoulsy)

Making Beats with Ableton’s Push

With the announcement of Live 9 also came the one about Ableton’s first own controller Push. Ableton likes mistakably calling it an instrument, but it will not come with own sounds and will (for now?) only work with Live. A


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