10 Shortcuts to Show/Hide Views in Ableton Live

It’s always good to use shortcuts as they can be real time savers and enable better and faster workflows. The following shortcuts are all about showing, hiding or switching between different views in Ableton Live. They’re essential for anyone who

Two Interactive Websites by Ableton: Learning Music & Learning Synths

With Learning Synths, Ableton are now providing two free online learning resources in various languages. Learning Music, which was released in 2017, is currently available in English, Chinese, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Russian, Thai and Vietnamese. Learning

Sonic Bloom Array Mbira: The Grand of Thumb Pianos Live Pack

I’m very pleased to announce the release of my first premium Live Pack (and free version – download below) for Ableton Live 9.7 Intro and up. For this, I’ve sampled my favourite acoustic instrument, the array mbira. I discovered the


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