If you’re producing on an older computer or tend to use a sizeable amount of CPU heavy plugins, you have to be extra careful not to have CPU dropouts or disk overloads happening when rendering your track. Particularly when exporting for mastering. In this episode of the Ableton Live Insider Tips, I show you a little trick that makes real-time rendering possible in Ableton Live. The pop up window will then show you the number of CPU dropouts or disk overloads, so you can take measures like freezing tracks or loading clip into RAM to allow for flawless audio exports. It requires the External Audio Effect, which is only available on Live Standard and up.
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2 responses
Hi Madeleine
Thanks for this video, I am getting significant drop-outs on a long, complex song. How do you correct them when they happen? You’ve selected auto-restart’ – does it repair them automatically? Otherwise, why would you just start it again?
Auto-restart only helps if your computer happened to be busy with other processes and you get CPU dropouts because of that. Ableton have an article on how to avoid dropouts: https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/209070329-How-to-avoid-crackles-and-audio-dropouts