I’m back with another Live Pack that contains the sounds of the Mellotron, the iconic electro-mechanical musical instrument played by pressing its keys that in turn play a magnetic tape each like a cassette player would. While it’s supposed to reproduce the sound of the original instrument, tape played back creates wow and flutter as well as small fluctuations in amplitude, giving it its unique sound.
This time I’ve got the Mellotron Tenor & Alto Sax for you. If I’m not mistaken, this one is also known under Two Saxes as it includes an alto and a tenor sax, each note individually sampled. The Live Pack contains a Simpler preset as well as four fully macro-mapped Instrument Racks, one with controls to add reverb, one flange-y one, one quite distorted sounding and one with resonant delays. For Ableton Live 9.7 Standard or Suite or up. Sampled by Taijiguy.
Listen to the demo:
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Comments are welcome. 🙂
Check out the other Mellotron Live Packs as well all the other free Sonic Bloom Live Packs I have released over the years.