I’ve gotten several requests to recreate themes for particular skins over the last months. And since I like a bit of a challenge I figured out how to do this most effectively. That doesn’t mean that recreating skins, or creating themes for that matter, takes little time. Quite the opposite actually. Anyways, you might be happy to hear that I’ve recreated the Frost, Oak and Disco skins as well two of mine that I’ve always liked using a lot called Teal and Turquoise. I’ve tried to be as true to the original as possible, but I’ve had to change a few things, because otherwise things wouldn’t have been readable or easy to see.
If you have the means and would like to say thank you, I’d appreciate a small donation. Otherwise just add a zero to the price field. Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as an option, so if you’d like to donate using PayPal, you can do so above. Thank you very much!
Get more free themes. You can still download the Live 9 skins. If you don’t know how to install them, have a look at this tutorial, and if you’d like to create your own themes, I’ve got a tutorial for that as well.
12 responses
Hi I’m excited for these themes. I’m still using SB minze on Ableton 10.
I’ve been wishing for a recreation of the Monolake skin since switching over.
I’ll keep it mind. Perhaps later. 🙂
Amazing thanks for all the great work!
Yeah, Colours! 🙂
Oak is great!
Do you know a way to change the dark background colour in live?
Have brightness 70% and col.depth 70%
I’ve got a tutorial with a PDF on how you can make your own themes or just change bits that should help. https://sonicbloom.net/how-to-create-your-own-ableton-live-themes-free-pdf-theming-guide/
hi…just let you know the .ask files didn’t install in either ableton 10 or ableton 10 beta…..
perhaps you’ve got an answer on that ….all copied to the correct file….there was no separate file for the beta, but that they also didn’t install in the original version…win op sys and all files in the correct folder…..over to you if you have time…..appreciate your putting time into this …..10 has not the flexibility of 9 in terms of theme colors….and remains the biggest impediment to working with live 10 …(otherwise terrific software)
Mmh, haven’t heard about this from other Windows users so far. It works as expected on Mac. Are you sure you’ve added it to the Themes folder?
Hi, I’s searching how to change text or tag colors in SB elephant theme and found Skin Editor.amxd but it fails to open this skin or something, no colors show up, I checked one of default themes and it’s opening fine. I require this theme still for Live 8 & Live 9, it is great but text is bright on bright sometimes?
Yes, it wasn’t made with the Max for Live editor and so unfortunately shows up as black for all colours. I don’t have the editor I used anymore, because Live 10 has now been out for over year, so there’s nothing I do.
Do you know at least what was the name of that editor for Live 8 themes, I can search it when I know its name?
It seems the original website has been taken offline. You could try this link if it still works: http://www.macableton.com/ableton-live-8-skin-editing/
Hi, thanks so much once again!
I would also love monolake and default 8 as themes if you ever have the time.