Ableton Live 9-11 Tutorial: Recording Audio

This tutorial shows you in easy steps how the recording process in Live 9 works. If you want to record real instruments or vocals, you should consider getting a decent audio interface as a built-in sound card won’t give you

Ableton Live 9.0.5b1 Beta Released

A new beta for Ableton Live 9 was just released, version 9.0.5b1. It brings quite a few bugfixes for Live as well as helpful improvements for Push. If you’ve read my review of Push, then you’ll notice that some of

Two Weekends with Ableton Push Part 1 (Review)

Over the last two weekends I had the chance to borrow an Ableton Push. I’d like share my first observations and experiences with you so hopefully you can make a more informed decision if Push’s the right thing for you.


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