Ableton Live Quick Tips: Rapidly Renaming Clips

In this video tutorial of the Ableton Live Quick Tips series we’re looking at the best workflow for renaming clips on the fly. It’s always good to keep things organised so if you open the Live Set after a week, month or even year it all still makes sense. And you can potentially pick up where you left off or bounce individual parts for a live performance as needed. While recorded clips automatically get the name of the track, you may have forgotten to first name the track or you’d like to be more specific in the clip name. Technically, these are two quick tips rolled into one. Both apply to clips in Session View.

Like the theme I’ve used in the video? It’s called Yonder, and you can download it for free as part of the Ableton Live Themes Set #18 for Live 11.

Here are a couple more tutorials on renaming and clips in the Session View:

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on what you’d like to see covered. Or add a comment if you feel like I forgot something.

More Ableton Live Quick Tips.

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