In the last few weeks, I’ve concentrated a lot on showing you different ways of enhancing your workflow in Ableton Live. This time, we’re looking at working with specific Live devices. Namely Operator, EQ Eight and Multiband Dynamics.
Operator Trick
English Version:
Deutsche Version:
Quickly Set the Q in EQ Eight
English Version:
Deutsche Version:
Multiband Dynamics Tricks
English Version
Deutsche Version:
You’ve got questions or would like to add your own little trick for a device in Live? Let me know in the comments.
4 responses
Great Stuff!
Can you provide more Options.txt choices?
Also, you didn’t explain this one -_RelaxFileManagerSearch
There aren’t endless Options.txt commands. _RelaxFileManagerSearch will let Live’s File Manager bypass the checksum comparison for replacement candidates so that audio files that were changed in a different app and might have a different checksum will be “recognised” and replaced.
sehr hilfreich, DANKE 🙂
that Q tip was awesome (EQ8)