Max for Live Audio Effect jo.PitchShift

jo.PitchShift is a pitch shifter, which is based on the Max internal gizmo object. You can change the pitch of any audio signal within a range of four octaves in either mono (less CPU) or stereo.

Automation Fun with Max for Live Effect AutoDial XY

AutoDial_XY, a Max for Live MIDI effect, a re-edition of “directautomatiz” from dric, allows for temporary automation in an XY pad without envelopes in Live. You can record automation for a length of between 1 and 16 bars.

Free SB Mellotron Live Pack Bundle 3

Free “Mellotron Woodwind II” Live Pack (No. 39)

Last, but not least in the Mellotron Live Pack series we have the “Mellotron Woodwind II”, each note individually sampled. The Live Pack contains a Simpler preset as well as three fully macro-mapped Instrument Racks, one with controls to add


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