Stochastic Delay by Max for Cats

Stochastic Delay by Max for Cats

Crazy delay effects you haven’t heard before

The Stochastic Delay can be used on all kinds of audio material - beats, voice or instruments for crazy delay effects you haven’t heard before. Or emulate old tape or BBD delays.
Requires Ableton Live 9 Suite or Standard with Max for Live and up
12.99 EUR (approx. 14.17 USD)*


What you get:

  • a .zip file with a self-installing Live Pack with integrated lesson in Live’s Help section
  • Stochastic Delay Module for OSCiLLOT by Max for Cats (a .maxpat file)

System Requirements:

  • Live 9 or higher
  • Max for Live 6
  • OS X or Windows

Stochastic Delay comes pre-mapped and ready to use with Push or any other MIDI control surface. It offers two independent, mathematically driven delay engines. The process can be adjusted either via mouse movements in the Resolution and Delay units or via the ‘dice’ buttons for a random injection.

Control the stereo image and tempo

A stereo knob will blend from mono to a wide stereo image. And while the tempo for the delay engine can be freely adjusted, the sync button will bring back the tempo immediately to the tempo of your Live Set.

Stochastic Delay by Max for Cats

Emulate old tape or BBD delays

Two post-EQ filters let you adjust the low and high frequencies and attenuate those with a gain factor between -24 dB to 0 dB. These are useful to simulate a delay effect which moves into a distant background, since each delay pattern will lose some of the frequencies – a bit like old tape or BBD delays.

The frequency spectrum of the low frequency band can be adjusted from 10 Hz to 2 kHz and the high frequency band between 1 kHz and 20 kHz. Below the frequency knobs, you’ll find each filters ‘Q’ (resonance) factor.

Round the sound off with reverb

A built-in reverb will create some space around the delay patterns. You can choose from four different character types:

  • I Spring
  • II Room
  • III Hall
  • IV Cathedral
Stochastic Delay OSCiLLOT Module

If you have OSCiLLOT by Max for Cats, don’t forget to add the Stochastic Delay module for it. For instructions on how to do this, check the Max for Cats website.

* All prices are final; if applicable, sales tax is included in the price in accordance with the tax laws of the buyer’s country of residence.
 Payment via credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), PayPal, Alipay, Bancontact, Giropay, iDeal or Sofort.

 Exchange rates for prices in US Dollars may vary. Based on ECB reference rates.

Max for Cats

Max for Cats is the outlet of Christian Kleine, who has been creating and curating Max for Live content for Ableton since 2012. Christian Kleine has released many free devices on his own website and via

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